How Adobe Helps Me Feel Better Prepared for the Workforce- An Important Skill to Have
Coming into my first design class, I felt lost and overwhelmed. I was worried about the technological aspect of the class, which is one thing I have always struggled with if the programs happen to be a tool I haven’t been working with since grade school. Adobe Creative Cloud and its different programs proved to be pretty straightforward while still having an abundance of different tools and options to play around with.
There have been a lot of circumstances that have played a part in me choosing the Adobe programs as my favorite newly learned design skill. This is the first semester of my senior year, so naturally I am worried about what will come after I graduate, where I will fit in and if I will make it to where I want to be. I have a couple of certifications in ethics training, Microsoft, Excel and PowerPoint, but I felt that I needed something else that would further prepare me for a workforce that is becoming more and more centered around technology. Learning the language of Adobe and being able to play around in the programs while creating a brand for myself have made me feel that much more confident in the coming job search. Now I don’t feel so behind everyone else out there.
One task I have really enjoyed working on is creating my own logo. I feel that it will be beneficial to have my own personal brand well beyond the end of my class time and it was fun to play around in the different programs.
The logo assignment allowed me to see a few things;
- Which programs allowed you to do certain things
- What tools worked best for what you have in mind
And most importantly,
- How to bring the vision you have in your mind to life.
I thought it was interesting to see how I could draw an idea down on paper and watch it come to life on my screen. It was also satisfying to see how cleaner and crisp it looked from the rough draft I had in my head to begin with.
I liked being able to create my own shapes and logos and finally start to understand how what I have seen in brochures, on websites and in advertisements are really created behind the scenes. It made me feel a lot more comfortable and confident in preparation for finding an internship, where the majority of requirements for the job are content creation and sharing.
Taking a design class was a huge step out of my comfort zone, I lean more toward writing with clear structure and direction, so creation from scratch seemed a little daunting. Having to learn my way around Adobe as one of my first assignments quickly helped me to adapt, and really prepared me for the rest of the semester and beyond that, the workforce.
If you’re interested in learning how to navigate the technological waters of Adobe Creative Cloud, here are a few links to help you get started;